Styrktarfélagið Broskallar / SmileyCharity

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Beinir styrkir: Styrktarfélagið Broskallar, 0133-26-007140, kt 531015-0290
Tekjur af sölu bóka Hringfarans renna til Broskalla: Kaupa bók
Við erum líka á Facebook
Hafa samband: gstefans@educationinasuitcase.com

We help students in low-income regions get into university

You can support us in several ways
Click here to subscribe to our blog page and donate to the project
You can also donate using PayPal or bank transfers
Proceeds of book sales from Sliding Through go directly to the Smiley Charity: Buy a book
We are also on Facebook
Contact: gstefans@educationinasuitcase.com

A video describing the Library model

Click here for a 3-minute introduction

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